Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Chettinad Health City Medical Journal


The Power of Epidemiological Modelling in Understanding and Managing Infectious Diseases

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Raja D

Infectious diseases have been a constant threat to human health throughout history, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought the importance of effective disease management to the forefront of public consciousness. In recent years, epidemiological modelling has emerged as a powerful tool for predicting the spread of infectious diseases and formulating public health responses.

Research Article

A Comparative Study on Milk Obtained from Various Sources

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Neelaveni K, Bhuvaneswari S, Kalaiyarasi D, Kapu Poojitha, Mohana V, Sukrutha V, Dharani N, Ishwaryalakshmi S

Milk is classified as a complete food that contains essential vitamins and minerals as well as complete proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that are crucial for supporting life and promoting good health. Therefore, the main objectives of the study are to determine consumer preferences for milk and milk products, develop milk and curd from alternate sources, and assess their efficacy.

A Comparative Study on the Effect of Acupuncture and Neutral Hip Bath among Young Females with Primary Dysmenorrhea – A Prospective Randomised Trial

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Abhijna J, Vanitha Shetty

Dysmenorrhea is a common medical condition characterised by severe abdominal pain during menstruation. Dysmenorrhea with no obvious pelvic pathology is referred to as primary dysmenorrhea. Acupuncture and hydrotherapy are non-pharmacological interventions that help in reducing pain without any known adverse effects. The current study was aimed at understanding and comparing the effects of acupuncture with those of neutral hip bath on the symptoms and disability associated with primary dysmenorrhea.

A Study of Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Abnormalities in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

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  • December 17th 2022
  • SR Rangabashyam, C Arul Murugan, A Arun Kumar, Mahesh G Patil

Echocardiographic abnormalities are very common in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and a wide spectrum of abnormalities are noted. In order to prevent mortality, periodic echocardiographic examination for early diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities and initiation of treatment is very important. Cardiac structural changes and altered function detected by echocardiography are common in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) before commencing haemodialysis and it is also noticed as one of the important key outcome predictors. The heart and kidney are inevitably linked with haemodynamic and regulatory functions.

Chemerin: A Novel Biomarker of Coronary Artery Disease

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  • December 17th 2022
  • C Sahaya Jency, D Ponnudhali

Dysregulated secretion of adipokines causing adipose tissue dysfunction can contribute to the pathogenesis of obesitylinked complications like atherosclerosis. Chemerin, a newly discovered adipokine, secreted by visceral adipose tissue and liver, is involved in the regulation of glucose and lipid homeostasis. Elevated levels of chemerin in the blood have been associated with atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease

Effect of 10-week Yoga Intervention on Obesity on Working Male Professionals

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Amit Kumar, Udham Singh

Yoga practices have been shown to be effective for obesity and its related anthropometric variables. Various kinds of research assessing the effectiveness of yoga practices on obesity are available. The present article measures the effect of 10 weeks of yoga practice including loosening exercises, yogasanas, pranayamas, kriyas, and surya namaskar among working male professionals suffering from obesity.

In-silico and In-vitro Evaluation of the Anti-diabetic Potential of p-Propoxybenzoic Acid

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Keval Raval, Pravin Tirgar

p-propoxybenzoic acid (p-PBA) is reported as an active chemical constituent of medicinal plants that possess anti-diabetic activity. It is termed a Multiple-Designed Ligand (MDL) having the ability to block more than one enzyme. A molecular docking study justifies the binding ability of p-PBA with acarbose and NaVO4 which were considered standard compounds having the ability to block target enzymes. α-amylase inhibition assay was used as an in-vitro screening model to evaluate the activity of p-PBA against diabetes on an initial basis.

Knowledge and Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccination among Women of Reproductive Age Group

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Nandhini S, Vijayalakshmi Kandasamy

The acceptability of COVID vaccine by reproductive age group women remains unknown. Hence the study was conducted to define the knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine and its acceptance in a sample of women who were planning to get pregnant.

Prevalence of Contralateral Internal Oblique Strain in Recreational Fast Bowlers

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Prajwalraje Pramod Mohite, Poonam Patil

Side strain injuries in cricketers have increased in recent years. An internal oblique strain occurs most commonly in fast bowlers and is the second most common injury among them. Young bowlers are more prone to internal oblique strain injury. The aim of this research was to investigate the prevalence of contralateral internal oblique strain in recreational fast bowlers.

Utilisation and Out-of-Pocket Expenditure for AYUSH Outpatient Care among Older Adults in India

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Roopali Goyanka, Jeetendra Yadav, Manoj Kumar, Surendra Kumar Sagar

Traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine are known to be used across the world for many types of diseases. In India, they are referred to as AYUSH and are known to be used for promotive, preventive, and curative purposes for healthy living and well-being. This study looks at the levels, patterns, and determinants of utilisation and out-of-pocket expenditure for AYUSH outpatient care among older adults in India.

Review Article

A Holistic Approach in Treating Heart Failure with Prosystole

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  • December 17th 2022
  • R Balaji , A Ramamurthy , Senthil Devi , M Chokkalingam , K Lakshmi

Due to the rising interest in personal health, ageing population and promising solutions for individualised treatment, the market for nutritional supplements is anticipated to rise by more than 6% per year through 2018. Fish oil, vitamin D, multivitamins and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) are the most popular dietary supplements. Probiotics are also the supplement with the fastest rate of growth in this ranking. One of the largest global burdens of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is seen in India. According to projections, there would be 4.77 million CVD deaths in India annually by 2025, up from 2.26 million in 1990. Although the causes of increased CVD risk factor incidence rates are complicated, they probably involve urbanisation-related lifestyle changes as well as epidemiological and dietary changes brought on by economic development. This review brings in the significance of nutritional supplements as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

A Narrative Review on the Anti-genotoxic Potential of Medicinal Plants in Ayurveda

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Asha S Raj, RN Acharya, BR Patel, SD Pawar

Genotoxicity is the capacity of drugs to induce DNA damage by chemically modifying either the structure or the sequence of nucleotides. This is most commonly experienced in lifestyle disorders as the medication in these conditions requires long-term administration. As per the WHO’s current status, 74% of the current deaths in a year are due to lifestyle disorders. Traditional plant-based medicines play a major role in the prevention of a few communicable diseases. Apart from the prevention of disease, they provide a protective effect against the ill effects induced by oxidative stress due to diet and regimes. The current review contains articles from PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases from October 2021 – September 2022 by searching keywords including “anti-genotoxicity” or “mutagenicity” or “anti-mutagenicity” and “in vitro” or “in vivo” and “plants” or “medicinal plants”. After review, 45 articles were included, which contained information about 38 plants. This article rationalises the long-term usage of medicinal plants in treating various health conditions.

Diagnostic Manifestations (Istedlal wa Alamat) of Anaemia (Faqr al-Dam) in Ancient Unani Literature - A Review

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Safder Husain, Arish Mohammad Khan Sherwani, Ashfaque Ahmad, Chand Bibi

The most frequent cause of discomfort in the inferior heel is plantar fasciitis, and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is one of the most effective therapy for plantar fasciitis. It was aimed to determine how extracorporeal shock wave therapy would affect plantar fasciitis.

Effects of Dry Needling in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Mini-review

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Dravid Solanki, Priya Chauhan, Gulnaaz Kaur

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a complicated ailment in which there is compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel and which can lead to pain, disrupt the range of motion, hand function, and finger grip force. Dry needling treatment is used for CTS by inserting the needle to reduce pain and lowering the tension over the nerve to improve symptoms.

Prodrome in Psychiatry – An Epiphany

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Shabika Paramathy Khajamohaideen, Kailash Sureshkumar, Shabeeba Z Kailash , Sivabackiya Chithiravelu

Prodromal symptoms in mental disorders develop weeks to months, even years, before the onset of the disorder. Most individuals manifest at least one prodromal symptom and seek medical help, but often the diagnosis is missed unless they present with complete symptoms indicating the onset of illness. As early identification and intervention at the prodromal stage can decrease the intensity or delay the progression of illness, knowledge about prodrome is mandatory.

Case Study

A Rare Case of Midline Suprahyoid Dermoid Cyst

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  • December 17th 2022
  • DM Shribhagya, Senthil Kumar K, Gowtam Ravishankar

Dermoid cysts are congenital tumours which are usually not paid any attention at the time of presentation and later on, they catch the patient’s attention. 40% of dermoid cysts get diagnosed by birth and 60% by five years of age. These are benign in nature. Only 5% have shown malignant transformation which is very rare. These are said to be ectodermal in origin embryologically. These are usually seen in the midline, as these are the site of embryonic fusion. These benign lesions are present as single or multiple throughout the body. For a surgeon, neck swelling is always a diagnostic challenge as it lies in close proximity to very important vital structures. In our case, a 33-year-old female presented to our Chettinad OPD with a painless swelling which turned to painful in due course of time and was located in the suprahyoid region in front of the neck. Our case is unique as the location of this mass was in the suprahyoid region which is usually a very rare location for dermoid cysts. Hence, during differential diagnosis, all surgeons should keep in mind that dermoid cysts have different presentations and locations, one of which happens to be a suprahyoid mass.

A Rare Case Report: Diagnostic Challenge of Uncommon Site of Lymphoma Camouflaging as Cellulitis

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  • December 17th 2022
  • KV Prarthana, Anantharamakrishnan, Amrithraj T

Lymphomas are solid tumours of the immune system accounting for 14% of all head and neck malignancies. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) are a heterogeneous group of lymphoproliferative disorders originating in B cells, T cells or natural killer T-cells. They have a vast array of clinical presentations and histological findings which can make diagnosis difficult. Lymph nodes, spleen, and liver are common sites of NHL. Extranodal soft tissue manifestation of NHL is a rare presentation of all lymphomas with a common occurrence in the geriatric population. Prevalent NHL is diffuse large B cell lymphoma which has significant clinical, morphological, and molecular heterogeneity leading to difficulty in timely diagnosis and treatment, and usually denotes an advanced stage. Here we throw light on primary skeletal muscle lymphoma-diffuse large B cell type, in an 81-year-old female patient mimicking cellulitis. It is vital to differentiate lymphoma from other entities to avoid perplexity in management.

A Rare Complication of Neglected Workplace Trauma Leading to Fistula Formation

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  • December 17th 2022
  • Dhivya Ravikumar, Kishore Babu

A long-term retained foreign body is rare and could lead to abnormal fistula formation. We present the case of a 25-year-old male with purulent discharge from the dorsal aspect of the left foot caused by a retained foreign body. The retained foreign body, a piece of rubber slipper retained over the past one year due to workplace injury to his left foot resulted in the formation of a fistula, a rare complication. The diagnosis was confirmed intraoperatively. We performed an emergency exploration of the left foot, the adhesions around the fistula were dissected, and we excised the fistula along with the foreign body. No severe complications occurred after surgery. We report this case to highlight that neglected foreign bodies can lead to various complications and healthcare professionals should be able to diagnose them with adequate imaging modalities.