Aims & Scope

The main aim of this journal is to publish novel and interesting observations and advanced scientific knowledge in all the branches of medicine and allied sciences. The Journal covers different areas of Medical, Dental, Nursing and Research aspects of Medicine.


The main endeavour of Chettinad Health City Medical Journal (CHCMJ) is to encourage scientific communication among medical investigators worldwide. The advisory board and editorial board of CHCMJ include well-known, eminent scientists from India and abroad in all branches of medicine to produce a high-quality scientific journal and impact on researchers and practitioners.

Our published content includes peer-reviewed research papers covering different Medical, Dental, Nursing and Research aspects of medicine.

CHCMJ is adhering to COPE recommendations. CHCMJ provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of peer-reviewed review articles, original articles, case reports, short communication, letters to the editor, and book reviews in all branches of medical sciences.

The submitted manuscripts are taken up for review for possible publication assuming that they have not been simultaneously submitted or already accepted or published elsewhere. The initial review is conducted by the Editors. Manuscripts lacking significant originality and important messages and those with serious flaws are rejected. The selected manuscripts are sent to two or more experts in the field for review and they are blinded for the identity of the contributors. The reviewers’ comments and acceptance or rejection of the manuscript are informed to the contributors in 3 to 4 months. The accepted articles are copy-edited for format, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. and then sent to the authors for proofreading. Once they approve the camera-ready copy then only, we proceed for its publication.

Indexing & Abstracting: Index Copernicus International, Google Scholar, Genamics Journal Seek, University Grants Commission, Research BIB

Bibliographic Information

TitleChettinad Health City Medical Journal
Journal DisciplinesMedical, Dental, Nursing, and Allied Sciences
Start Year2012
Type of MaterialJournal
Owner Organisation and PublisherChettinad Academy of Research and Education
Co-Publisher/ Publishing Service ProviderAdvanced Research Publications
Editor-in-ChiefDr Raja D
RefereedDouble-blind Peer-review
Type of AccessOpen Access
Full-text available formatPDF
Type of LicenceCC-by-NC
Plagiarism Detection SoftwareiThenticate
Article Processing ChargesINR 3000 (USD 120)
Principles of Publishing EthicsCOPE’s Guidelines
Document Identifier TypeDOI