Vol. 12 No. 4 (2023): Chettinad Health City Medical Journal


From Numbers to Narratives: Understanding Quality of Life in Type 2 Diabetes

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Raja D

Living with type 2 diabetes is a delicate balance, demanding meticulous glycaemic control while significantly influencing overall quality of life.1In the pursuit of comprehensive care, a critical review of assessment instruments becomes imperative. This article embarks on an exploration of the multifaceted landscape of measuring the quality of life of people with type 2 diabetes, unravelling the relevance of various assessment tools to patient care and research.

Research Article

A Semiparametric Mixture Cure Rate Model for Tuberculosis Data

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  • October 25th 2023
  • B Vijai , PR Jayashree, C Ponnuraja

One of the essential questions in health research is a patient’s survival. The two primary families of the cure models are the mixture cure model and the promotion time cure model. A mixture cure model is a type of survival theory that considers that there are both susceptible and non-susceptible people in the population under study, but they will never be exposed to the relevant event.

Antimicrobial Resistance: A Qualitative Exploration of Perceptions of Medical Professionals

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Sangeetha S, Prabakaran J, Swarna Latha P, Sanjana Arunthathi B, Sushma

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) presents a critical global health concern, jeopardising the efficacy of treatments against various microorganisms. Its impact on healthcare and the projected increase in deaths due to antibiotic-resistant infections underscore the urgency for preventive strategies.

Assessment and Evaluation of Online Learning among College Students in South Chennai

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Christeffi Mabel R, Jagannatha GV, Indra Gopi, D Charumathi

When the world was encountering a pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, the majority of the countries in the world were under lockdown. Schools and universities were closed and e-learning mode was opted for. Online classes were implemented for all age groups. This study aimed to understand the learning methodology, concentration and memory of the students, and the learning environment of the online and offline classes attended by the students, and to identify which mode of learning was better and more effective.

Comparative Evaluation of Microbial Flora of Dental Unit Water Lines Supplied with Distilled Water and Ozone Water in a Dental Operatory

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Ishika Roy, Vidyashree Nandini V, Jailance Lathief, Surya Rengasamy, Shiney Boruah

Dental unit water lines (DUWLs) contamination can be treated using various methods. Ozone is a potent bactericide used in the medical industry. The purpose of this study was to find out if there were any beneficial effects of ozone water in a DUWL.Aims: Comparison of microflora, and colony forming units, when distilled/ ozone water was used in DUWL and to evaluate if ozone cleanses waterlines

Comparison of Low-intensity Aerobic Exercise with Assisted Bicycle Exercise on Quality of Life and Lung Function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Anandan D, Anandh V, Arunachalam R, Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi, Daniel Rajasundaram S, Shanthidevi M, Arun B

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder that affects males worldwide. Low-intensity aerobic exercises have been proven effective for older populations and may offer potential benefits for individuals with DMD. Objectives: This study assessed low-intensity aerobic exercises and compared their effects with those of assisted bicycle exercises on the quality of life and lung functions of individuals with DMD.

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Non-scalpel Vasectomy among Accredited Social Health Activists in a Selected Area of Delhi

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Seema Rani, Suchhanda Bhattacharya, Arushi Negi

Family planning is a way of thinking and voluntarily expanding the family by the couple. There are many ways to adopt family planning. Vasectomy with no scalpel is one such preferred way as it results in lesser bleeding and a speedy recovery. Awareness about contraceptive methods such as sterilisation of males and related information is provided by the Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) in India.

Effectiveness of Thoracic Mobility Exercises and Chest Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Technique on Pulmonary Function in Postoperative Breast Cancer Patients: A Randomised Controlled Trial

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Krishna Sandip Kadam, Amrutkuvar Rayjade, Trupti Warude, Vaishali Jagtap, Ankita Jadhav

The most prevalent form of cancer is breastcancer. Its treatment options have some early and late consequences whichinclude respiratory disorders, reduced chest mobility, and decreased musclestrength. Exercises for thoracic mobility include deep breathing and activemovements of the trunk and extremities. This article’s objective was toascertain the effectiveness of thoracic mobility exercise and chestProprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) technique on respiratoryfunction in postoperative breast cancer patients.

Effectiveness of Trunk Control and Scapular Stabilisation Exercises among IT Professionals with Forward Head Posture

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Heemali M Gandhi, Trupti Yadav

As technology advances, the use of computers will further rise to lead to many musculoskeletal problems. Prolonged sitting at work or improper posture of the head during work may lead to forward head posture (FHP) among office employees, particularly among information technology (IT) professionals. Aim: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of trunk control and scapular stabilisation exercises as compared to scapular stabilisation exercises alone in increasing the endurance of cervical muscles and the craniovertebral angle (CVA) of IT professionals with FHP.

Evaluation of the Antibacterial Activity of Eucalyptus Globulus 3C and 6C against Uropathogens

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Maalolan S, Priyashree R, Sisir PR, Chandraja CV, Gopukumar ST

nfections of the urinary tract are one of the most frequently encountered problems reported in outpatient settings. In the majority of the instances, clinicians initiate empirical antimicrobial therapy before the laboratory results of urine culture are available. This happens to be one of the most prominent causes of resistance to antibiotics in diverse uropathogens. These microbes can cause a new form of infectious disease because of this drug resistance and may become more resistant because of mutation after some time.

Formulation and Evaluation of a Topical Spraybased Foam Containing Aloe Vera and Silver Sulfadiazine to Treat First and Second-degree Skin Burns

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Pratik Vediya, Malaykumar Chotaliya, Abhi Chauhan

Skin burns of the first and second degrees are frequent wounds that need quick and efficient care to speed up healing and avoid complications. For the treatment of severe burns, the goal of this study was to create a novel topical spray-based foam formulation incorporating silver sulfadiazine and aloe vera.

Instrument for Measuring Perception of Healthcare Service Providers: Development and Validation

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Mandeep Kaur, Baljit Singh

The accessibility to healthcare services is an absolute necessity today. The purpose of this article is to create and validate an instrument for measuring healthcare service providers’ perception which analyses their level of satisfaction with existing healthcare services’ availability, infrastructure, burden, efficiency of the instruments, and work environment.

Knowledge and Practices towards Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease in Hypertensive Patients

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Sidhant Darekar, T Poovishnudevi

Hypertension is the largest and most common factor for deaths and diseases in India. One of the serious complications of hypertension is chronic kidney disease (CKD). Due to its high treatment costs and poor outcomes, CKD has become a major global health problem.

Mathematical Analysis of Virotherapy Treatment for Cancer

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Renuka J, Balaganesan P, Vijayakumar PN

A virotherapy model for cancer has been identified and analysed in this article. This mathematical model of cancer virotherapy was developed by Friedman. It was constructed by means of non-linear differential equations related to “the count of cancer cells, the count of infected cancer cells, the count of dead cells, and the count of virus cells that do not belong to tumour cells”. It also includes parameters for the rate of viral infection of cancer cells, the proliferation rate of cancer cells, the removal rate of debris of dead cells, the death rate of infected cancer cells, and the count of virus particles that are not contained in cancer cells. The Homotopy Perturbation Method was applied to solve the non-linear differential equations and was analysed both qualitatively and numerically. The values of the variation in parameters were evaluated to investigate the impact of controls on the spread of cancer cells. Through the numerical and graphical results, the optimal control, which helps to significantly reduce the impact of cancer cells, has been discussed. A significant agreement is noted with approximate analytical results and numerical simulations.

Prevalence of Knowledge, Attitude & Practice Regarding Menstrual Hygiene in High School Girls: A Cross-sectional Study from Belagavi, Karnataka, India

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Pooja Mahajan, Sandeep S Sagare, Girija Sanikop, Arpit Sah

Menstruation is a biological process exclusive to females. It is associated with many misconceptions and practices, which sometimes cause adverse health outcomes. Hence, all aspects of menstruation need to be understood by adolescent girls. In general, an insufficient level of awareness, with widespread myths, misconceptions and taboos about menstruation is harmful to human society.

Prevention of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia: Knowledge and Practice of Ventilator Care Bundle among ICU Nurses of Tertiary Care Hospitals of Jodhpur, Rajasthan

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Raghvendra Singh, Yashawant Sharma, Manmohan , Murlidhar Sharma, Yashawant Ramawat

Hospital-acquired pneumonia, particularly ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), is a major public health concern in Asia. ICU nurses play a crucial role in preventing VAP and need to be knowledgeable about evidence-based practices to improve patient outcomes. Understanding nurses’ knowledge and practices is vital for enhancing their adherence to VAP prevention guidelines.

Review Article

A dm Disorder

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Rachael Lourdez Sonia D, Prasanna Mohan, R Sedhunivas, S Senthil Kumar

Factually speaking, most healthcare professionals suffer from stress burnout. Burnout is a state wherein one experiences work stress, which along with a heavy workload, leads to poor metacognition and mental health. Yoga acts as a well-known mind-body intervention which touches a deeper layer of the mind and purifies thoughts and emotions that may lead to better health. This article suggests evidence-based yoga practices which can be self-administered to improve metacognition and mental health. The detailed instructions regarding yoga practices can be referred to using resources mentioned in the article. Yoga exercises can be performed quite easily at the desk during breaks, session gaps, and brief time gaps. Though healthcare professionals can perform yoga exercises during office breaks at the workplace in a chair, the article recommends that they should practice yoga exercises in their homes on yoga mats. These practices will keep them fresh, aware, happy, energised and revitalised throughout the day as these practices result in the release of endorphins i.e., feel-good chemicals in the human brain. Yoga practice also improves metacognition, creating a coping ability to fight against work stress. Based on the findings, the article suggests inculcating yoga as a self-care practice for improving mental health among healthcare professionals in clinical settings.

Inculcation of Yoga as a Self-care Practice for Improving Mental Health among Healthcare Professionals in a Hospital Setting: Addressing through Metacognition

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Narottam Kumar, Udham Singh

Globally, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death and disability. Knowing the CVD risk factors could provide crucial insights into how to handle this major public health issue and comprehend its genesis. Many clinical illnesses are linked to autonomic imbalance, which is defined by an overactive sympathetic and an underactive parasympathetic nervous system. Many hereditary and behavioural variables influence the likelihood of getting coronary heart disease (CHD). The CHD threat issues have an idiopathic origin, which suggests that the illness may pass down through generations as a result of genetic variance. Two further probable causes of CHD include autonomic dysfunction and the Omega-3 Index. Although dietary modification is a key component of CVD prevention, the implementation of nutrition science in clinical practice is constrained due to a dearth of formal education in the discipline. The precise elements of a heart-healthy diet, scientifically supported dietary recommendations, the effect of nutrition on the management and prevention of CVD risk factors are all subjects covered in this article. Its objective is to update the body of information on these emerging approaches (in vitro, translational, animal, clinical) and to explain the rationale behind their possible use in the treatment of CAD. These novel therapeutics have the potential to successfully replace current therapeutic modalities. Our report provides significant updates on the ongoing scientific and medical work being done around the world.

Case Study

A Case Study on Koch�s Spine

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Harshil Gadhiya, Divy H Bhimani, Kushal Parekh

Conventional orthognathic surgery has taken a back seat nowadays, and bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) has been considered to be the surgery of choice for mandibular deformity correction since its popularisation in the 1950s. The uniqueness of the technique has made it a popular choice in the correction of mandibular prognathism, retrognathism, and asymmetry. Here, we present a case of skeletal class III facial deformity treated using conventional orthognathic surgery involving pre-surgical fixed orthodontic treatment followed by bilateral sagittal split osteotomy and post-surgical orthodontic treatment.

Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy with Mandibular Setback - A Case Report

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Alagappan Meyyappan, Jessica Yolanda Jeevitha, Haravindh

Conventional orthognathic surgery has taken a back seat nowadays, and bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) has been considered to be the surgery of choice for mandibular deformity correction since its popularisation in the 1950s. The uniqueness of the technique has made it a popular choice in the correction of mandibular prognathism, retrognathism, and asymmetry. Here, we present a case of skeletal class III facial deformity treated using conventional orthognathic surgery involving pre-surgical fixed orthodontic treatment followed by bilateral sagittal split osteotomy and post-surgical orthodontic treatment.

Short Communication

Effect of Virtual Reality and Audio Distraction on Pain during Painful Procedures among Children Admitted in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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  • October 25th 2023
  • Venkatesaperumal D, Sumathy P

Children face a variety of crises throughout their lives, often experiencing illness and hospitalisation in their early years. The procedural pain is worse than the illness. The ability to regulate pain through distraction seems to hold a lot of promise. The children can turn their attention away from their suffering with the aid of distraction. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate how children responded to pain during IV cannulations in the virtual reality group and the audio distraction group and compare them with the control group.